Publications & publicity
Chapter (2022) Sustainability and Excellence: Pillars for Business Survival in the volume "Globalization and Sustainability" - PDF download available on ResearchGate
Conference contribution (2023) Boosting Sustainable Digital Education: Blockchain Technology in Education.
Conference contribution (2023) "Vrstevnické hodnocení ve vysokoškolských matematických předmětech" in Proceedings of the conference “Moderní matematické metody v inženýrství” (3mi), page 54-65 (in Czech)
Research paper (2023) A Blockchain-Based Solution for Diploma Management in Universities - in the journal Sustainability with 2022 Impact Factor 3.9 (PDF full-text available)
Presentation for DZS at Brno University of Technology, Brno, October 5, 2023: Boosting Sustainable Digital Education for European Universities: Digital Education Methodology (in Czech) - licence CC BY-SA 4.0
Workshop "Digital4PPP (People Planet Performance)", Bucharest, Romania, November 24, 2023: Boosting Sustainable Digital Education for European Universities: Digital Education Methodology - licence CC BY-SA 4.0
Promotional material
Besides the products related to the intellectual output, the partners developed a variety of outputs for the purpose of dissemination. The list includes:
-multiplier event presentations (3x ME1, 9x ME4, 1x ME5),
-multiplier event reports (ME1, ME2, ME4, ME5),
-multiplier event agendas (ME1, ME3, ME4),
-certificate templates (1x UPB),
-promotional material designs (3x UPB),
-project logo
Logo package for download
- licence CC BY-SA 4.0
ME1 Attendance certificate sample (UPB)
- licence CC BY-SA 4.0
BoostEdU ME4 Brno 2023 Concluding Conference Presentations
- licence CC BY-SA 4.0