Intellectual outputs
Two Intellectual Outputs were developed:
(1) Digital Education Methodology, including several case studies with the description of relevant pedagogy, teaching materials, digital learning tools and simulators in Digital Education; each partner university contributed with two methodological cases for two different study disciplines covering bioengineering, quality management, mathematics and statistics, media studies and communication, leadership.
(2) Digital Education Recognition, where possibilities of recognition of higher education achievements were explored including use of the blockchain technology in digital recognition of ECTS. A state-of-the-art analysis was prepared as well as a case study and a pilot concept for digital recognition based on blockchains.
Intellectual output IO1
Project results related to the Intellectual Output IO1 Digital Education Methodology:
-8 digital education methodologies in the form of case studies (2 from each partner university)
-course descriptions (1x BUT, 1x UPB, 2x UiA)
-educational videos (8x UiA, 5x UPB)
-e-learning course modules (2x UiA, 2x BUT)
-question databases (4x BUT), lists of topics for assignments (6x BUT) and project descriptions (1x BU) for student work
-experiment organisation material (1x UiA)
-educational game (1x BUT)
-guidelines and manuals for teachers and students (1x BUT)
-videos (BUT), games (6x UPB), project reports (6x UPB), case studies (BU), coursework (3x UPB) and other outputs developed by students within the designed/redesigned/modified courses
-feedback surveys (2x BUT)
-feedback analysis (1x UPB, 2x BUT)
-presentations (5x BU, 5x UPB, 4x BUT, 8x UiA)
-scientific publications (1x book chapter-UPB, 2x conference contribution-BUT) with acknowledgment of the project BoostEdU
Intellectual output IO2
Project results related to the Intellectual Output IO2 Digital Education Recognition:
-1 large case study on digital education recognition and blockchain technology
-3 reports on the status quo of the digital education recognition in local context of partner countries (Czech Republic, Norway, Iceland)
-questionnaires, surveys and expert interviews design (2x questionnaire UPB, 1x expert interview template BU)
-questionnaires, surveys and expert interviews analysis (1x UPB, 1x UiA, 1x BUT)
-2 video recordings of training activities: Expert Interviews and Needs Analysis (by J. F. Jóhannsson), Blockchain Technology in Education (by M. Turkanovic)
-video recordings of interviews with experts in the field: Sigmundur Ernir Rúnarsson, Donna Kidwell, Phil Komarny
-interview transcript from the interview with Donna Kidwell
-presentations (3x UPB)
-scientific publications (1x conference contribution-BUT) with acknowledgment of the project BoostEdU